By ALLALA - 04/04/2009 23:34 - Canada

Today, my husband and I were watching TV. An info-mercial came on for a diamond cross necklace that had the lord's prayer engraved inside of it. As the commercial ended I said, "who in their right mind would actually buy that?" Turns out, my husband would, for our anniversary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 987
You deserved it 24 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This looks familiar... maybe I moderated it. Anyway, it's the thought that counts. Apologize for insulting the gift, and tell him you'll treasure it because he gave it to you, even if you don't like it too much. I'm sure that'll make him forgive you.

KwitIt 0

I agree with #1, but if you want to REALLY save your butt, you can lie and say that the only reason you said that was because you didn't think he could afford something like that and you didn't want him to feel bad? Though I don't always condone lying, I think that could help.


omg i alwayyys see those ads. don't feel bad, those necklaces are cheap and the commercials are terribly cheesy! haha i'm sorry your boyfriend actually thought you would like it though.

I agree with you, though! Those necklaces are ridiculous and you would think your husband would know your taste better than that. You know what gets me? The say in the commercial that each necklace is unique/one of a kind in the commercial, but they are being mass produced which makes that statement inherently untrue.

Ugh, I know that commercial. lol. That sucks, I'm with you on that one, but I could have sworn I've seen this FML before. about the necklace and everything, not the engagement ring one from a few days ago. w/e


as i read this, the commercial came on. its the first time I've ever seen it. its kinda cheesy, but its the thought that counts, right?

bcauls 0

i saw that commercial last night. im sorry you recieved that.

Hah, I feel bad for your husband, but you're right, those things are SO tacky!!! Even if I were Christian I wouldn't want such a cheap and gaudy item.

midiorganizer 0

Alright, let's get a show of hands: who here would buy their wife or husband an anniversary present from an infomercial? IMO, nothing says, "I really didn't want to have to go out of my way to choose a present for you" like something from an infomercial (irregardless or whether or not that were actually true). FYL. #25: LOL (at you, not with you).

Goldfinch86 0

I'm sorry "it's the thought that counts" is bull, it really means that the person was lazy or doesn't know you at all. If your married then the person should know you well enough to get you something that is actually meaningful or something that you will like. Husbands are either the type that plan far ahead or last minute. I have never met one that was in the middle. Guys usually know what to get, although there are a few that are just so stupid they can't figure it out, i'v met one like that, he bought his girlfriend a wine stopper, she donesn't drink wine and it was a piece of shit that she didn't like. He was probably lazy watching tv one night thinking about it for 2 minutes the commercial came on and he got it because he thought "hey thats easy".

moosey1234 0

omgg i've always wanted tht cross thingy!!!!! i'm just curious how did they fit the lords prayer in it??? =D looks coolio. . .

Today, I was watching TV with my wife when an infomertial for a necklace I had ordered in secret for her came on, thinking that I would give her a nice surprise gift. She watched for a moment, then said, "Who in their right mind would actually buy that?" I guess that's me. FML