By ALLALA - 04/04/2009 23:34 - Canada

Today, my husband and I were watching TV. An info-mercial came on for a diamond cross necklace that had the lord's prayer engraved inside of it. As the commercial ended I said, "who in their right mind would actually buy that?" Turns out, my husband would, for our anniversary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 984
You deserved it 24 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This looks familiar... maybe I moderated it. Anyway, it's the thought that counts. Apologize for insulting the gift, and tell him you'll treasure it because he gave it to you, even if you don't like it too much. I'm sure that'll make him forgive you.

KwitIt 0

I agree with #1, but if you want to REALLY save your butt, you can lie and say that the only reason you said that was because you didn't think he could afford something like that and you didn't want him to feel bad? Though I don't always condone lying, I think that could help.


I totally saw that commercial! Haha, but yeah. Sorry about that. :-/

Wow... a necklace with the Lords prayer? I take it you are very Christian and he knows it - otherwise the religious implications might be a little over the top to offensive (depending on if you even are Christian. I'm not, and if the man I married got something like that for me, I'd be pissed off). Other than that - I don't see the point in lying. Apologize, say you didn't want to be mean but it's just not your taste, and it's not that you could have known, and taste shouldn't be argued over. If you lie like #2 suggested, then he'll think you like it and expect you to wear it. Lose/lose situation. Better be upfront. If you can't be honest about things like that with your husband, you have a serious problem in your marriage IMO. He might be a bit offended now but honesty > mind games.

oof...all I can say is that was ironic

darkimmortal777 6

i think that necklace is beautiful, and ur retarded to not want anything like that. i hope u divorce.. good day

fundangle 0

if you're married, he should probably know your tastes a little better. and ordering something off tv is usually a bad idea regardless 25: real mature... cheers for using insensitive language and blindly insult someone

#7 - It's not socialism it's just manners.

man that commercial is like 10 minutes long. and I definitely said the same thing when watching it.

hey, it was her honest opinion. his fault for not asking around for opinions first. not to mention, i sure hope she's christian because if i got that, i'd be pissed as all hell.

ive seen that commercial.. what a stupid ******* idea.