By juliearis - 06/07/2013 19:45 - United States - Westport

Today, my husband received the "antique" samurai sword that he bought on Craigslist with $399.99 of our money. He only shared my outrage at the waste of money when he opened the package, only to find a toy sword along with a note saying, "HAHA, TROLLED." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 813
You deserved it 10 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ZombieInConverse 13

There are those assholes out there that pull that shit. Sorry OP.

Kozmotis 8

Try to sue him for false advertising.


Even modern real Japanese swords cost thousands of dollars. Do your research before buying an 'authentic Samurai sword' for 400 dollars. YDI

in case you did not see, the op's HUSBAND ordered the samurai sword, not the OP, so she didnt deserve this

threer 30

Your human version of a matesprit is easily fooled by trolls. >::::)

OP was expecting something along the lines of Bro's legendary katana and ended up with a shitty sord.

deemarie13 14

I think you can report that as false advertisement and get your money back.

warriorartemis 11

You can get your money back man. They have buyer protection for a reason.

SummerRain22262 5

you can report that asshole. that is illegal as f**k

A Craiglist finest! Next time tell him to stick with eBay at least they'll give you your money back!

Find out who the scammer is then SUE THEM.

I don't mean to be an jerk or anything, but man, that's a pretty good troll, but really someone should do some inspecting on the scammers all over Craigslist.

YupThtJstHappend 16

First Lesson: NEVER BUY ANYTHING Off the Internet unless its an Acual Store.. Thats what you get for buying a sword What the hell are you gona use it for Anyway? Waste of Money (: Just giving you a Head's Up

TcheQ 12

Haha, petty court sessions.