By juliearis - 06/07/2013 19:45 - United States - Westport

Today, my husband received the "antique" samurai sword that he bought on Craigslist with $399.99 of our money. He only shared my outrage at the waste of money when he opened the package, only to find a toy sword along with a note saying, "HAHA, TROLLED." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 813
You deserved it 10 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ZombieInConverse 13

There are those assholes out there that pull that shit. Sorry OP.

Kozmotis 8

Try to sue him for false advertising.


I don't suppose there were pics of the "antique samurai sword", were there?

There could've been. But you can just lift pictures from google and look legitimate.

That's like cutting your finger and asking why it's bleeding

Stick to ebay for such things, at least there's a security net, especially if paypal's involved.

Your husband is an idiot. Antique katanas go for thousands of dollars.

krapcissaruj 13

Lolol ain't that some shit.

That is false advertising. Since you did pay for the sword, and the seller left you the note about being trolled, I am sure you can win in a court of law. AKA you have a real lawsuit and that is your right to get all your money back from false advertisement.

Axel5238 29

I feel bad for the OP. The husband dropped $500 without her consent and didn't see anything wrong with it. He's just mad he got ripped off. The wife has to deal with the impulsive idiot husband. Pretty sure if he was willing to drop 500 and didn't see why his wife is angry that's a big problem. Craigslist doesn't really have any buyer protection and they say that.