By Anonymous - 20/04/2016 00:56 - United States - Oceanside

Today, my husband's ex-girlfriend is getting a restraining order on him. Turns out, for the past 2 years of our marriage, he has been trying to contact her and ditching work to stalk her. To top it all off, he told me not to come to court with him because he doesn't want her to see he downgraded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 690
You deserved it 2 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldn't stick with someone who isn't proud of you


This is definitely one time I would say divorce him. He doesn't respect or care for you.

Beckei 18

The only court I would go to with him is divorce court..

This ended differently than expected, but he so it turned out worse. Yeah divorce is a good thing at this point.

elizacandle 29

it sounds like it's time for you to upgrade, OP.

BabyCakes818 16

Well, now there's a restraining order AND a divorce.

kayteakay 26

TWO YEARS!? I would lose my shit.