By Hannah - 21/12/2010 17:01 - United States

Today, my husband said that when we have sex he almost gets as excited as he does when he gets a chopper gunner on Black Ops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 060
You deserved it 7 909

Same thing different taste


you have to get 11 kills. I rock chopper gunner then grab 2 more kills to get the puppies; that wu you have the chopper in the air, and puppies on the ground. works every time for me. you should tell your husband that, maybe he will be so excited about the new idea you will have sex more often...unless he sucks in which case both of you are screwed.

sounds like someone just dropped his care package in your lz hahahaha

Mr25_fml 14

Black ops is hard to surpass though. That sucks, but still that's kind of a compliment

Americaussie 0

A chopper gunner is ******* awesome shit. That's a compliment and a half. Be grateful.

NinjaCookie 0

okay.. all of you who called THAT a compliment.. yeah.. i bet more than HALF of you have NEVER been laid.. and never will be ;D have a nice life guuys..