By Hannah - 21/12/2010 17:01 - United States

Today, my husband said that when we have sex he almost gets as excited as he does when he gets a chopper gunner on Black Ops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 060
You deserved it 7 909

Same thing different taste


Don't worry, he sucks at Black Ops. Chopper gunners shouldn't get you excited at all.

Black Ops friggin rocks my socks but not as hard as my guy rocks me in bed girl you need to watch some **** and take notes or maybe tell him he does if he doesn't have you screamin loud enough for him to forget about the chopper

as a female on his side. black ops is awesome after all..ant killstreak is great. has he gotten dogs yet? I bet he would be even more excited than before!!!

lunkness_monster 0

That's a compliment, you should feel very attractive now. :D

peterf1983 3

well... chopper gunners are hard to get!

agsilver 14

lol and when u give him a bj it like getting attack dogs

Honestly black ops isn't all its was amped up to be ):