By Hannah - 21/12/2010 17:01 - United States

Today, my husband said that when we have sex he almost gets as excited as he does when he gets a chopper gunner on Black Ops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 060
You deserved it 7 909

Same thing different taste


RC-XD so much better than gun ship xP at least with the RC-XD u get to ride on corpses

clearly most people commenting dont understand, he said he loves her more than /chopper gunner/ thats more love than a thousand fat kids with an unlimited supply of cake

tgis guy is legend ;D comparing sex 2 black ops whatta tool

amber_d18 0

I give my boyfriend head while he plays. :)

mrflyinglemur 0

chopper gunners are a big deal. u should be proud

foreverlovinyou 0

Your'e clearly too much of a n00b to even fet a chopper gunner i bet.