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By brerj09 - 27/07/2016 06:41 - United States

Today, my husband told me he's just "not interested" in having sex anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 192
You deserved it 1 737

brerj09 tells us more.

Ok so I feel like I need to clarify a few things. I'm 21 and my husband is 27. We have been married less than a year. He has gone to the doctor about this before. His testosterone levels are within the normal range but just barely. He doesn't have ED. And it's not that I'm bad in bed... He has a very low sex drive. I have a normal sex drive. If he had his way we'd have sex like once a month. I'm not happy with that. Things were getting better but then he dropped this bomb on me last night. He isn't interesting in having sex and he's doesn't want to do anything to change that. And I'm abnormal because I want to have sex. We are going to be seeing a marriage counselor....

Top comments

I can't believe that people are saying to leave him. Switch the genders here and it wouldn't even have been featured. Anyway hopefully you guys can sort this out because love is still more important

MedChew 19

This has got to be the blandest FML in a long time. Sorry about his attitude, but I really need more info to pass any judgment here...


Sorry I ran into this with my X. He just found every reason to avoid it. We talked about it, he promised to change... Eventually he managed to doge the conversation. Refused counseling. Sent a setting video and he replied. I appreciate you sent it... Finally broke it off was so depressed and low self esteem. Give yourself a time limit. You're not going to make it another 2 years without resentment and self esteem issues...

My husband told me the same thing.. turns out he was okay to sleep with other women but just not me :( I feel you!

sailorarctic 22

I was in this boat OP. I had (I say had because I had a baby 7 months ago and we cosleep and I had severe PPD so my antidepressant and circumstances have pretty much temporarily quashed my sex drive) a high sex drive and my husband has low. It really hurt when it seemed like everyday I tried to initiate intimacy and was either shot down or he put forth no effort. I was always on top, he never orgasmed, and he never initiated. It reached a breaking point when I told him I refused to live in a sexless marriage so he had to choose either he tried working with me and our counselor or I needed to find someone to satisfy my needs. we went to counseling and with a lot of effort we were having sex, not as often as I wanted but we never went more than 3 days without at least some foreplay going on. Hope your counselor help you like ours did.

That's terrible. Bet you'll have men lining up to help

I suggest that you go read some Savage love. He's a sex advice columnist and at least once every month there is a person in a sexless marriage asking him for advice. I'll give you some of the advice I've learned from him, but he still says it best. 1. Try to find out if it's a medical issue. You have done this. 2. Try to find out if there is a medical solutions. He refuses this. 3. Try to find a solution that is beneficial to the both of you. Opening up the relationship, opening up the relationship but no talking about it, toys, he cuddles with you while you **********, ... whatever works. 4. No solution possible. Then you need a few hard decisions. Can you live without sex? If the answer is yes then you will try that. If the answer is no, then you will decide whether you stay in the relationship or you will stray from the relationship. It's advisable to divorce rather then cheat, but sometimes that just isn't possible. If you do cheat, be aware that even though the entire society hates you, they don't know the whole story, they don't know that you tried to solve this without cheating. It's a dick move, but sometimes it's the only move that keeps you sane and happily married because no sex would leave you unhappily married. It's still a dick move, but you had a bad hand. Goodluck.

asm9296 3

I bet he's just tired of you turning him down all the time.

Instead of being angry at him! Find out why he don't want to try it anymore. Sometimes your partner needs more emotional support to overcome situations like this

To all the people saying that the responses would be different if the genders were switched: Congratulations! You just discovered what feminism is about! But don't forget the history from which both genders come from regarding this topic. And don't forget religions views on this topic, which are still practiced all around the world. Most of the people on here commenting including myself were born before marital rape was even a thing.

at least the shoe is finally on the other foot.