By oliveoyl - 23/07/2011 04:05 - United States

Today, my husband, who is in the Navy, had a couple of his sailor friends over to hang out. The stereotype about their swearing is true. My two year old now won't stop saying "Fuck." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 680
You deserved it 5 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you tell them to stop swearing in front of your kid? why wouldn't you take your kid in a different room?


usnwife 18

especially if they are in base housing, moving rooms won't help, those walls are so thin I could hear our neighbors brush their teeth! I'm always on to my husband about language with a 1 & 2 yr old at home, he does pretty good switching between "work" and "home" but some of his friends... I feel your pain OP!

Sesh54 7

**** **** FUCKITY **** **** ****

well he was bound to learn it eventually...i learned it when i was like 5 or 6 thanks to my older sister

I guess your son will ve in the Navy later...

Hey hey hey, you think the other stereotype about sailors is true about your husband and his friends?

OP should have removed the two year old from the situation. Likewise, grown ass men should have enough common sense to not say "****" in front of someone's child.

I'm assuming you haven't spent much time around people in the military. It is a normal and natural way of talking for them at work and not always that easy to just switch off.

smartness 6

You would think that adults in the Navy would be smart enough to watch their mouths when around young children.....

ssaammiiee 5

wow... that is sad. Next time don't be afraid to ask them to stop!

iLoveBoobies21 0