By oliveoyl - 23/07/2011 04:05 - United States

Today, my husband, who is in the Navy, had a couple of his sailor friends over to hang out. The stereotype about their swearing is true. My two year old now won't stop saying "Fuck." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 680
You deserved it 5 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you tell them to stop swearing in front of your kid? why wouldn't you take your kid in a different room?


all branches of the military are like that. when I was in the army it was the same. =)

jrkardamis 0

why the **** are they ******* cussing in the first place. ****. shit

Chances are that he (or she) will drop the habit if you ignore him when he says it. Kids love swearing because it gets a big reaction out of adults.

earballs 0

is the gay thing about sailors also true? just wondering.

Quagmire_ladies 9 least we now know your kids career will be. haha

perdix 29

I like the Popeye reference. Now the whole "blow me down" thing takes on a new meaning ;)

bubo_fml 10

The Navy...600 men go out to sea, 300 couples return home!!

talking like a true sailor isn't that what a mom wants