By Adam - 18/11/2009 21:57 - United States

Today, my iPod dropped out of my pocket while I was walking. Trying to be cool, I attempted to kick it back into the air to catch it before it hit the ground. Upon making contact with my foot, It ended up detaching from my headphones and flying 10 feet. Right into a sewer grate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 368
You deserved it 70 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

See? This is why you never "try to be cool." It never works; never. iPods aren't for kicking, you fool. YDI.

emo_scare_me 0

HAH, Sucks for you. YDI though, for trying to 'look cool'


jakquezz 0

noooooooooooooooooooo, am i the only sympathetic one here, sorry dude, FYL

Seriously, dude, everyone here thinks they're a therapist. I never realized the hoopla that would be caused by me adding that for writing's purposes...

See, this is just demonstrating why you don't deserve an iPod. Not to mention that iPods (except maybe the Touch) are all crap. Archos FTW!

The greater the potential for an epic win, the greater the potential for an epic fail.

That's true, but the odds are terribly skewed towards epic fail.

I bet you also played it off as if that were supposed to happen.

Dumbass is all that comes to mind after reading this.

If you have to try to be cool, you're not cool. =)

Nice going I now feel bad for yu. Lol