By Adam - 18/11/2009 21:57 - United States

Today, my iPod dropped out of my pocket while I was walking. Trying to be cool, I attempted to kick it back into the air to catch it before it hit the ground. Upon making contact with my foot, It ended up detaching from my headphones and flying 10 feet. Right into a sewer grate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 368
You deserved it 70 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

See? This is why you never "try to be cool." It never works; never. iPods aren't for kicking, you fool. YDI.

emo_scare_me 0

HAH, Sucks for you. YDI though, for trying to 'look cool'


yah ok lets just kick an ipod... next, a phone!, then a cop! you cant "try to be cool". whatever you do (without "trying" like you were) will end up either being cool or not.

sweeper17 0

i see what you were TRYING to do but hopefully when you look at that moment you realize how foolish that was, when you have to TRY to be cool, your never cool

YDI for "trying to be cool." Um, last time I checked, "kicking an expensive piece of technology" =/= "being cool." But that's just me.

Haha you fail! I'm trying to figure out why you would even do that. YDI but thank you, I lol'ed.

YDI. Trying to be cool doesn't ever work. You either r or ur not. Most ppl r not

life_goes_onnn 0

my first comment ever on FML! yipee! 'trying to be cool' never works out! go get a life, u fool!

baby_gurl2405 0

ha, well thats stupid! its called: bending down (yes I know its hard but believe me, if you try hard enough its possible!) picking it up (move those video game worked out fingers!) and then standing back up! wa-hoo now how hard was that?? :P


lol! How the hell could you even kick a thin piece of plastic and metal in a way that would make it fly up in the air for you to catch it? It COULD have been possible if the iPod landed on its side, but the chances of it landing that way and being able to be kicked like that are very small, so it's unrealistic. You don't kick an iPod. You also never try to be cool. YDI. D: