By waterproblem - 27/05/2009 23:10 - United States

Today, my last task for the day as a high school janitor was to power-wash the concrete area where the graduation ceremony will take place. Tired and bored, I drew a huge penis with the power hose. Right before I was going to wash it off, the machine broke. Graduation is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 526
You deserved it 75 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trust me, the high school kids will think its hilarious.

This_Guy 0

Just tell them that you actually did your job, but some kids drew that when you left.


Lol. Good luck at your new job after they fire you.

Why you guys giving this man shit for being a janitor? I worked as a janitor two summers ago at my local high school. I was making 11.50/hour I'm sure being a full time employed janitor he makes okay money.

this sounds strangely familiar to numerous other fmls on this site

Hahahahaha epic. Please post pics online!

bollywood_rocks 0

What is it with people and their obsession with phallic body parts? Do you ALWAYS have to draw a penis?

OMGosh, how EPIC would it be to graduate at that high school.

wowstupidpeople 0

where im from we would call that credo :)

worry not- you did a good deed. being able to draw dicks is one of the best parts of using any mark-making-device. good work sir.

onlypandorashope 0

i don't get it. don't power washers use water? won't it evaporate/dry up before tomorrow?

sseger79 0

Do any of yall know what a power washer is? It has nothing to do with evaporating. It is a machine that spays out water at a high speed so at contact with a surface the dirt and other substances on the ground are washed off. OP, this is hilarious haha i wish that could happen at my graduation!!!