By waterproblem - 27/05/2009 23:10 - United States

Today, my last task for the day as a high school janitor was to power-wash the concrete area where the graduation ceremony will take place. Tired and bored, I drew a huge penis with the power hose. Right before I was going to wash it off, the machine broke. Graduation is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 526
You deserved it 75 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trust me, the high school kids will think its hilarious.

This_Guy 0

Just tell them that you actually did your job, but some kids drew that when you left.


I mean, that's pretty immature. YDI. But I'm sure most of the high school kids wouldn't mind.

BryonyRogers 0

Mr, janitor dude, YOU ROCK!!!!! I don't see the point ripping you for being a janitor. what's the point? They're probably hobos who scavenge for marijuana. Hypocrites. Still, great FML!

Guys, I don't know how this janitor and girl with Sharpie equals "so many people drawing penises". And I can't help but wonder what the big deal is if you drew it with a hose... won't it evaoprate by tomorrow?

sirfuzzitoes 0

wow, this is surprisingly similar to the young man who cut a penis into his lawn with a lawnmower just before his grandmother came over for a big party. i sincerely doubt that, if you aren't interested it being fired, you wouldn't actually do this.

there is someway that you could have been able to cover it up. but you totally deserve whatever punishment you get from the school.

as I high school senior, I can tell you, most of the kids will find this hilarious. Unfortunately, they aren't the ones who decide whether or not you keep your job ;) FYL

READ BEFORE YOU POST I just thought I'd clear something up on here, because for some reason this FML seems to be confusing quite a few people. A power-washer is a ridiculously powerful hose that blasts the dirt off of whatever you're washing. So, the contrast between the clean concrete (the outline of the penis) and the dirty concrete are what makes the lines very visible, and permanent. He can't erase it without using a power-washer to clean the rest of the concrete, thus eliminating the contrast. TAADAAAAAAAAAAAAA

hahahahahahah ? but i think that sometimes power washers kinda engrave into concrete dont they?