By Discouraged - 31/05/2012 12:43 - United States - Rockville

Today, my little brother got his crush to go out with him by impressing her with his level 500 FarmVille. This is the next generation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 936
You deserved it 2 647

Same thing different taste


Tali147 16

I did not know that people still played FarmVille. Apparently, it is quite popular with the ladies. You know he'll have children too, because he is obviously verygood at planting seeds...

And soon her belly will be full with his seed… Yeah, I just went there.

ACrump15 0

What does smh stand for? In my head I read and think "so much hate" but I'm never sure...

It means "shake my head". Why people can't just that out, I don't know; whoops, I mean idk.

JoHan55_fml 7

Does anyone else see the irony in this comment?

Don't hate the playa', hate the game.

This generation is doomed. They will bring past and future generations down with them too! Also, Bacon.

The irony is the excitement over bacon is also very, "this generation"

She probably concluded from his Farm that he's either 1.Rich 2.Patient 3.Both

I believe our generation used level 100 Pokemon to impress

I friggen rocked Pokémon. No boy could resist my sparkly Japanese cards. I never understood the game really whats so ever, but my collection and stamina made up for it ;)

I did that!!! My Blastpise ruled my neighborhood.

CinnamonRugby 5

Playing farmville is just as impressive as still owning a myspace.

I'll show you my corn cob if you show me your cabbage leaves!

perdix 29

Yeah, our generation was much better. Chicks would be impressed if you made it to Boy Scouts. Of course, they didn't know what it took to become a Webolo.

CinnamonRugby 5

Your talking about the one on one time requirments with the troop leader right?

perdix 29

Maybe. I don't know because I quit after Cub Scouts. I was only 9 or 10, and I didn't know much, except that Webolo just sounded wrong. You what?

I'm Star, well was Star when i quit

Since when was being a boy scout a way to get girls? When I was a kid we laughed at boy scouts, not dated them.