By Discouraged - 31/05/2012 12:43 - United States - Rockville

Today, my little brother got his crush to go out with him by impressing her with his level 500 FarmVille. This is the next generation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 936
You deserved it 2 647

Same thing different taste


dellis44 7; finding you that special someone who harvests the same crops as you. terrifying stuff right there.

Haha yea, making more couple and marriages than other top dating sites.

Farmvile can go to hell for all I care.

It's kind of ironic. Way back in the day women married men with farms and gained financial support and food. Now I suppose you're datable if you are a virtual farmers haha...bragging rights? Society is weird.

Megan98 18

She thinks his virtual tractor is sexy. (;

skyeyez9 24

Show the ladies your level 500 WoW account.

Don't hate. Your little brother has a date, and you are sitting alone on FML. Who is the fool?

Looks like that song "She Thinks My Tractor Sexy" really does work!

I wish that would happen with Black Ops-_-

alymartin 1

I wish someone did that for me lml!

I looked at your profile, and im just wondering the **** do i message people on FML!?