By so_this_is_me - 13/08/2015 17:12 - Canada - Brampton

Today, my love life is so pathetic that when I got a sample of cologne in the mail, I kept sniffing it just to remind myself what a guy smells like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 848
You deserved it 3 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smell random strangers on the bus/subway and when they ask what you're doing stare them straight in the eyes and take the biggest breath possible without breaking eye contact and slowly back away while whispering, "you smell different when you're awake..."

SauceySarah 30

I don't blame you. Guy's cologne smells absolutely incredible if it's the good kind.


Severefear 7

Excuse me miss, does this rag smell like cologne or chloroform to you?

Hmm, some cologne can smell like a unicorn's fur, but others smell like a skunk.

Tbh I probably would do the same thing at this point ?

Oh, come on! All you need to do is smile at a guy. Really, it's not hard.

biggest turn on is when a guy smells nice

I'm sorry to hear that, I was in the same place as you 2 year dry spell where every woman laughed in my face if I asked them out, literally in a couple of circumstances. Then I met my girlfriend, and she's totally worth the wait. Just be strong and keep looking, don't go for the wrong one thinking he MIGHT be good enough. Be strong.

when everyrThng fails lower ur standard OP! XD

Hey..... Pick your head up and say hi to someone. Have you ever noticed the guy looking at you in the coffee line smiling. No? Then your not looking!