This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By surfdown - 16/12/2008 05:20 - France

Today, my mistress called my wife on the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 140
You deserved it 131 452

Top comments

popcorn_fml 0

im with most of the people here. that you deserve NO SYMPATHY.

flyintonite 0

My cousin's husband cheated on her and she left him. Cheaters don't get 2nd chances dude, don't expect us to feel bad for you.


guesswho_fml 0

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pharmbrooke35 0
Knightchaser27 25

They went on the French version of Jerry Springer

cheating is bad, but sometimes it can be hard to resist another woman, its not disgusting, ITS BEING A MAN

doodlebug13 15

Unless his mistress knew about the wife, and was just a sick home wrecking *****.

popcorn_fml 0

im with most of the people here. that you deserve NO SYMPATHY.

Well I mean... what would she have called on? A shoe?

Easy_Target 0

Called her? What the hell for? Was it because you pissed her off too? Can't you do anything right?!

pippacrawford 4
flyintonite 0

My cousin's husband cheated on her and she left him. Cheaters don't get 2nd chances dude, don't expect us to feel bad for you.

Spike_Lover 0

you deserved that. you shouldn't be cheating

dantheman_fml 0

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There probably won't be a second time.

Yeah, hopefully he learned not to ******* cheat. He deserved to get caught, and you're a piece of shit too for feeling bad for him.

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doodlebug13 15

No. She's right. And you say that because you're probably a cheater yourself. It is wrong to cheat. If you feel the need to cheat, then you don't need to keep the girl trapped when she could be out there looking for someone who ACTUALLY deserves her!!

ahahahha what the heck man keep it in ur wife doesn't sex mean something to u?

Karry_fml 0

You're a pathetic excuse for a man. Not sorry for you, I hope she left you.

I hope she did more than leave him!! If you can walk OP you should be counting your lucky stars you two timing @$$!!

And, pray tell, how did she get the number??

May of left his phone in her house and then its game over

You deserve absolutely no sympathy whatsoever. You are an awful person and cheating on your wife is the worst thing you could ever do as a husband. How your pathetic mind somehow twisted the situation you brought upon yourself to make you think you deserve sympathy boggles my mind. You are disgusting.

I fully agree with you, but I'd like to state for the record cheating isnt the absolute worst thing one could do as a husband

That's right, you could sell your wife for money.