This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By surfdown - 16/12/2008 05:20 - France

Today, my mistress called my wife on the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 140
You deserved it 131 452

Top comments

popcorn_fml 0

im with most of the people here. that you deserve NO SYMPATHY.

flyintonite 0

My cousin's husband cheated on her and she left him. Cheaters don't get 2nd chances dude, don't expect us to feel bad for you.


Is this Kenny lol.. oh wait nevermind Leah called!!!!

wassssssssom 0

#1: even though i agree that cheating is terrible, ur comment is awsome!

you deserved it... get over it and grow up!

you should have a ******* mistress I have absoloutly no simpathy for you your life doesn't suck?!? Your wifes life sucks because you have been cheating on her you peice of shit go die in a hole

So, you cheat on your wife then she finds out and now you want Sympathy?!?!? Your wife is the one needs to be on FML not you ass.

bishiedamian 0

You're an asshole. You are the reason why some women turn lesbian. Because they can't trust thier own husbands. Get off the site if youre gonna post shit like this. F your poor wifes life. Not yours

Considering everything wrong with this FML has already been said, there's something else that's been bothering me. It says "my mistress called my wife on the phone". As opposed to calling her using what OP? A cow? A telescope? Yelling her name? The fact that she used a phone is pretty obvious OP.

yeah you deserve that shit you cheatin bastard.

your poor wife, you deserve to rot in hell.

More like "the worst of us"- you know, the scraping-the-bottom-of-the-barrel sorts who have no soul. Because the best of us, not including you obviously as you count yourself among the cheaters, would never commit adultery and betray vows and risk the physical, emotional, and mental health of the person we tied ourselves to for the rest of our lives. Asshole.