This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By surfdown - 16/12/2008 05:20 - France

Today, my mistress called my wife on the phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 140
You deserved it 131 452

Top comments

popcorn_fml 0

im with most of the people here. that you deserve NO SYMPATHY.

flyintonite 0

My cousin's husband cheated on her and she left him. Cheaters don't get 2nd chances dude, don't expect us to feel bad for you.


girl018 0

wow how could you? dude you are so wrong for that

GOOD. You deserved it you scum bag son-of-a-bitch!!!!!!!

DTOWNgirl 0

ugh its not an FML if you deserve it you nasty pig

good. I hope your wife was cheating on you with a big black man.

katiektastrophy 0

hmm... no sex for you tonight, good thing she didbt glue yur dick to your leg. you dont deserve either one of them, theyre too good for you. and ur stupid, what else would she have called her on? YDI, asshole.