By Sadasian - 14/08/2009 06:19 - United States

Today, my mom and dad were arguing. It started getting really heated, so I tried to go break it up. But within a couple of minutes, my mom wanted to make a statement by throwing a plate to the ground, forgetting I was beside her. I now have a throbbing foot with shards of glass in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 173
You deserved it 4 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She wasn't making a statement. She was being an irrational idiot.

fmlfmlfml15 0

ouch...FYL Lesson learned: NEVER intervene when your parents are fighting!!


juicyjay00 0

stay out of your parents fights. unless its about you.

Well, I'm sure that broke up the fight! Just not exactly in the way you wanted to break it up...

WIN! You broke up the fight. Congrats. Sucks you have glass in your foot. Be like the rest of America and sue your Mom for assault.

ouch! FYL. Igave up trying to stop my parents from fighting. I just got used to it . :P

that sux hate it when my parents fight just rub they will stop fightin sooner or l8r

Amp17 0

Shards'O'Glass freeze pops. haha! xD