By kp. - 03/09/2015 16:30 - United States

Today, my mom called me a druggie after she found out I smoked weed once. She's now threatening to sell my car, tell my boss, and ban me from seeing my fiancée. I'm 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 279
You deserved it 3 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xoxoblondee 31

She should turn you in to the police, you pot smoking fiend. Clearly a danger to society! *comment overflows with sarcasm*


Good for your mom! I would do the same.

"As long as you live under my roof, you follow my rules..."

1. If the car is in your name, she cannot sell your car. If she does, charge her with theft. 2. Tell your boss that you will submit a drug test. 3. She cannot ban you from seeing your finance. I would tell your mother she is not allowed at your wedding. You are an adult. Time to put on your adult pants. If she takes it way to far, file for a restraining order. They are not really that hard to get. If she says anything, file charges against her. She needs to grow up. I mean confronting you is one thing (assuming you did it a long time ago as a teenager), but she does not need control of your life. If you tried it recently, you know better and ydi.

That's what I was gonna say, but you said it better! Common sense right there - if you're an adult, quit acting like your parents can control your life! :)

theamazingd 17

How would the OP deserve it? How is trying weed once justification for the OP's mother to threaten to sell his car, tell his work, and forbid OP from seeing his/her/their fiance? I agree with the rest of your comment wholeheartedly, but that last bit doesn't sit well with me.

In court that is referred to as hearsay. It is also called slander if she calls your boss. If the boss makes a deal out of it, request a drug screen to prove you don't currently use.

Then you probably shouldn't be living at home.

At 24 the only way she can keep you from seeing your fiancee is if you live with her. How about moving out? It won't fix the other problems, but I'd say it's about time.

Buy your own car, move in with your fiancé and tell your boss your mom is on meds and the family is thinking of placing her in a home

Move out if you don't like the way she treats you.

Ya know, I run an assassination business on the side... Kidding. But seriously, im super sorry about that, just realize that she has no real evidence and cant actually do any of that legally