By kp. - 03/09/2015 16:30 - United States
Same thing different taste
By lehonX9 - 06/06/2015 09:11 - Germany - Hanover
Overreacting much?
By But you drink alcohol though - 19/04/2023 03:00
By cazorp - 05/01/2012 11:43 - United States
By Joe Lizen - 07/08/2012 01:40 - United States - New Lenox
By Anonymous - 16/12/2011 03:55 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/10/2014 18:33 - United States
By FFS - 06/05/2018 01:30
By a.white - 11/12/2013 11:58 - United States - Cheltenham
By ugh - 01/12/2015 03:52 - Canada - Lethbridge
Well played
By stepshart - 21/08/2014 19:30 - Canada - Thunder Bay
Top comments
The result of government brainwashing and negative connotations to a harmless substance..... Sorry, my instincts as an activist kicked in..
inhaling smoke is always harmful. the whole "weed is a plant, and plants are good" argument is invalid. so is tobacco & that's bad for people. sorry for my rants, but my grandfather passed away a few months ago from lung cancer because he smoked from when he was 14 until about 15 years ago.
Weed is not harmless. Sure it may have some benefits, but it changes the chemistry of your brain and after continued use may make your brain unable to function the way it needs to without the chemicals in the weed you smoke. Any substance that alters brain chemistry should be used in moderation and only when necessary. In other words as long as a doctor feels it will benefit you and they monitor its effects weed should be fine. Its like anything else you put in your body only put what and how much your body needs or it will have negative effects on your health. Even some vitamins are leathal in certain levels.
See everyone commenting is brainwashed too. ;-; I understand what you're saying and you're right. sorry there's lots of dumb people.
56 - Have you considered that not everyone who doesn't agree with you is brainwashed? The studies on harmfulness seem to be about a 50/50 between sides.
59 that is false... the feeling of getting high that you like from smoking weed is the result of the chemicals in the weed changing the chemical balance in the brain and alters the neural pathways in the brain.
Being "high" means your brain is being altered
It's not the inhaling smoke that is extremely harmful, it's tobacco. Tobacco contains chemicals that can cause cancer, but weed can't
Sorry, but smoke from any source, particuraly plant sources, forms tar in the lungs when it meets the moisture there. Not to mention that is can trigger schizophrenia, psychosis, comas, cause apoplexies, weight disorders, heart problems, blood pressure problems, depression... So saying it is "harmless" is as much of a load of bullshit as saying that alcohol is good for you. And all that is barely touching on the damage tar buildup would cause over the years. If people want to use it, fine, but people need to stop spreading misinformation about how it is a 'harmless' substance, just like people need to stop glamorizing alcohol and ignoring the damage it causes over time even with only 'occasional' frequency.
Wow....weed isn't a drug and it's legal now in like 14 states with most of the other states decriminalizing it and only issuing a fine. Tell your mom to brush the cobwebs from her vag and pull the stick out of her bum!
It is a drug, just an increasingly legal one
Just because something is legal in some places doesn't mean it isn't a drug. Put the blunt down and think for a second. Besides, a person can be morally against a legal action and act this way as well.
Advil is a drug, coffee is a drug, heroin is a drug, weed is a drug. Weed is a useful, fun, and reasonably safe one but it's still a drug.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayNo, it's a drug. Alcohol is a drug too, yet it's legal. Drug doesn't mean bad, medications are drugs.
Not sure how "useful" it is
Drugs are anything that alter the normal chemical based processes in a being in any manner. It does have some merits in treating pain that is unaffected by other medication, or in cases where the patient cannot be put on other medication for pain, but in both those cases the refined form is more useful in controlling the symptoms while minimizing risks of contaminates and avoiding the hazard associated with inhaling plant based smoke.
#77 it has tons of medicinal uses, please educate yourself. Also, bottom line, it's useful for getting baked
Meanwhile, my mom has offered me pot several times even though I have no interest lol.
You're 24, so your mom is about... 50-ish? So she was born in the 1960s and came of age in the mid to late 1970s... yet she never smoked weed. Yes, I absolutely believe that to be 100% true.
I don't know why this got downvoted. I was thinking the exact same thing! Op should just ask her mother if she ever smoked weed and see what she says. I bet if she answers honestly it will be yes, even if it were only once.
I highly doubt that literally every single young person in the seventies smoked weed. People would likely say of my generation that we all had sex and got drunk in highschool, but not I. As with all stereotypes, there will be exceptions here and there.
Unless she lives with you tell her to go **** herself.
Are you still living at home?
wow sounds like she needs a good toke herself. my wife is a pothead she's successful beautiful and don't flip out unless we run out of her favorite ice cream lol
There's something to be proud about
Do you live with her? Cause if not, tell her to f**k off.
Unless her name is on any of the paper work for the car I don't think she can sell it. If she does anyway I'm sure you could get the cops involved. Also unless you smoked it recently a drug test would prove to your boss that you didn't smoke pot.

She should turn you in to the police, you pot smoking fiend. Clearly a danger to society! *comment overflows with sarcasm*
Your mom is a bit extreme.