By the un-loved child - 28/07/2013 22:34 - United States - Salida

Today, my mom confessed to loving my "little sister" more than she loves me. My "little sister" is the family dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 689
You deserved it 3 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope your mom was just kidding. If not get a cat and call it mom and declare your love to it.


I hate when parents are too stupid to realize the difference between human being and animals, especially their own kin. I understand that animals are precious and should never be mistreated, but some people just go too far.

I hate to say it, but I can really sympathize with you OP... And mines a chihuahua

Furytalon 14

My mom always says the same thing. I wouldn't take it too heavily.

You are not the only one op. Kody, our golden retriever, is my mom's favorite child. But I feel ya op.

braceinevitable 8

Time for the dog to mysteriously disappear..

Martinez0285 28

sorry .. I love dogs more than people ... probably because i don't have kids... still... dogs are better :)

bingbongbingbong 11

Just because your little sister is ugly there is no reason to call her a dog, thats just rude

my mom is the same way with my dog. she's actually picked the dog over my older brother and i... it's a mom thing, i guess? but i love my dog to the ends of the earth and he really is a part of the family. he gets better christmas presents than i do sometimes... cherish it OP, dogs dont live forever!

graceinsheepwear 33

Did Santa bring him the squeaky toy you had your heart set on? How can a dog get better presents?

Remind her of that answer when she asks why you don't visit her when you're older.