By cookie_lover_xx - 15/10/2015 06:24 - United States - Chandler

Today, my mom ended up having a midlife crisis. She decided it was finally time to get those tight leather pants that she has always wanted, and is now planning on putting a stripper pole in her room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 565
You deserved it 2 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's actually really good exercise soo maybe she just wants to fit into her pants better haha

Take a step back and imagine how she feels. She's realizing she's half way through life and didn't get the chance to do some of the things she's wanted to do. Just let her do whatever she feels she needs to do to be happy OP

Erksangel 25

On the plus side least she'll get good exercise...

To be fair, pole dancing is actually really good exercise.

Moms sacrifice a lot to raise us, they deserve to go through a mid life crisis

At least her midlife crisis wasn't like my mom's. She had a baby... at 42. And that's why I'M here.

Be careful with who you invite over to the house now;)