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By Jess - 30/05/2011 15:46 - United States

Today, my mom publicly pole danced. In a playground. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 088
You deserved it 5 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well it could have been worse, she could have started to strip and then demand money.


People voted YDI to this girl because?? D:

Why are you speechless? The woman has a sense of humour...

It is quiet not funny that a woman would do that and it is especially not funny since this was a public playground - _-

swimchica22 0

I agree. I don't get why you guys are thumbing this down! it is especially inappropriate for a parent to pole dance in a PLAYGROUND. I would be speechless also!

heyimjennyFML 5

Today,after getting super wasted, I went to a playground and pole danced for the kids. The good part is I got some lovers and cash yet I have mothers attacking me for exposing too much to their kids and for attracting their husbands. FML .. This is how it would sound if the mother would post the FML O•O

TylersMB 0

was she drunk? or high?. well whether she was sober or not i would have left. your mother is a ***** =/

swimchica22 0

136 if you are referring to me then u need to re read my comment. u need to get a life.

lmw562 3

hmmm. Does anyone wonder if the mom was any good?

hellogoodbye1996 6

uh 136 you asked for thumbs up by saying "thumbs up" so you yourself need to get a life.

hellogoodbye1996 6

uh 136 you asked for thumbs up by saying "thumbs up" so you yourself need to get a life.

hellogoodbye1996 6

uh 136 you asked for thumbs up by saying "thumbs up" so you yourself need to get a life.

hellogoodbye1996 6

uh 136 you asked for thumbs up by saying "thumbs up" so you yourself need to get a life.

hellogoodbye1996 6

holy shit! why did it post if 4 times I only typed it once and it send once. I despise the glitches on FML -.-

I'd be so ****** scared for life. but she sounds like a MILF

swimchica22 0

144 you make no sense.........obviously I am sure.... I said it retard. think before you post.....

zombi3ki113r14 4

why would u wanna see your mom poledance?

Hear that, 187? That's the sound of aard's joke flying over your head. Cool your knickers, chica.

Fyl if your mom is ugly, Ydi if she's hot, can't vote 'till I know that.

hot or not, a mother should not pole dance especially at a playground where not only is their child present so are other children.

arguing on the Internet is like the special Olympics no body truly wins and everyones retarded

swimchica22 0

200, oh im sorry officer. I didn't know it was illegal to have opinions. chill. sincerely, me.

217 wins the competition for best comment. As for the rest of you, give up now!

217 has to be my favorite comment of all time.

FunwithBumperCar 0

Look at 136's profile picture. He was poviously just trolling and you fell into it.

maz_irken 6

am I the only one who thought of Lady GaGa's "Speechless"?

wow 221 I too feel you should "cool your knickers"

swimchica22 0

wow 251 why don't u **** weren't even part of this conversation so......

himynameiskrista 0

That's THE cutest baby I've ever seen before in my life. EVER :D

I just happen to have some singles in my wallet.

kruzito 0

aww 170 and 3 u guys have like the same pic u were meant to be together forever!

well I think ur both equally adorable. wow I sound like a peace maker here:P

Nah, I think 197 is cuter. *peace destroyer*

Well it could have been worse, she could have started to strip and then demand money.

I feel bad for the parents when the kids come home...

The kids will be all like that qas... you know what, nevermind. It doesn't make sense to me anymore.

I think 48 means when the poor traumatized kids come back home from the playground and tell their parents what they had just witnessed lol

229- dont say no commnet, how about you just.... *drumroll* dont comment!!! saves comment room

What I wanna know is if there were any other parents there that stopped her. Unless they just watched.

Leatherandlace 0

What an articulate, eloquent creature you are.

darkinkinda 0

right? I mean if she's attractive it's okay lol

Talk about embarrassing parents. The reason was?...

Do people need a reason to dance. I sure don't need a reason to take copious amounts of drugs.

they could be addicted or they like to get high so yes there is a reason

ummm...check the liquor cabinet and make sure she didn't down 2 or 3 margaritas because normal moms just don't dont do that

every kid carpools with you to the playground now