By cookie_lover_xx - 15/10/2015 06:24 - United States - Chandler

Today, my mom ended up having a midlife crisis. She decided it was finally time to get those tight leather pants that she has always wanted, and is now planning on putting a stripper pole in her room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 565
You deserved it 2 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Word of advice: Never go into your mums room from now on. Some things cannot be unseen.

Emmaleigh6692 7

On the bright side, at least she's putting the stripper pole in her own room.

Might I suggest investing in some good noise canceling headphones before it's too late.

Film it and show it to her 10 years from now.

Thors_Hammer9999 17

why is this an FML?....your ma is an adult who can do what she wants....and why do you care whats happening in your parents bedroom anyways, that's a bit creepy....and really none of her concern

Unless she's using your money for it, what does it really matter?