By Goody2shoes - 21/07/2010 16:08 - India
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 21/09/2013 04:07 - United States - Mccomb
By alexbobalex - 11/01/2010 07:23 - Aland Islands
By ughhhh - 03/05/2014 21:10 - United States
By AintEasyBeinWheezy - 28/04/2016 18:26 - United States
By hypercrite dad - 19/09/2014 18:34 - United Kingdom
By lehonX9 - 06/06/2015 09:11 - Germany - Hanover
Caught in 4K
By reptar2009 - 02/12/2009 00:49 - United States
By imobesejk - 17/07/2011 00:19 - United States
By EgoMoose - 28/12/2009 05:02 - United States
Caught in 4K
By tanksfan - 05/01/2010 05:55 - India
Top comments
ydi, and I think your mom has every right to send you to rehab. I would be saying the same thing if it were alcohol or marijuana.
For those of you telling him "YDI SMOKING ARES GROSE" shut the **** up, it's his body, if he wants to smoke then that is his business not yours. One cigarette isn't going to kill you, hell it isn't even going to hurt you.
Maybe not, but it is possible to get hooked after just one cigarette.
I KNOW. Seriously, people here need to get rid that pole that is automatically inserted into specific members' assholes once they sign up here. You're not going to live forever either, you know. (And if you say "BUT I'M HEALTHY AND NOT STUPID", you will still die of old age.) Anyway, OP, FYL for your mom overreacting. But still, YDI for not throwing it away.
I'd rather die healthy and of old age, than live my life smelling like an ashtray with rotting teeth, a raspy voice, non-stop coughing, and tar-filled lungs and die of lung cancer. But who am I to say what the better lifestyle is? To each their own.
Thanks, 72, someone had to say it. Britney, have fun living your healthy life while being at risk of contracting breast cancer, skin cancer, septic shock from an ingrown toenail or sudden death by a rogue motorist. As we share the exact same birthday, I'll race you to the pearly gates...
Some things in life will kill you that can't be avoided. I can't entirely avoid the sun, or some types of cancer, but I do take precautions to make sure that things don't happen. When it comes to smoking, that will kill you and it CAN be avoided entirely. And I'm not taking part in this race, so you'll probably beat me there.
I'm so sick of the stigma against smoking. Yes smoking can kill, but just because you smoke, it doesn't mean you will die from lung cancer, have yellow teeth, a cough, or a raspy voice. Your chances of contracting lung cancer increases, but you can be someone who has NEVER smoked and still one day have (and maybe die) from lung cancer. I'm not saying it's healthy for you, but there are several reasons to smoke, one being that it is a HUGE stress reliever. You know what else is bad for you: junk food - overeating is worse for you than smoking. ALSO: DRIVING!! Driving pollutes the "clean" air more than smokers. Want to test out this theory? Go into a garage with no ventilation with a smoker.. bet you won't die. NOW do it with a running car.. Those pollutants coming out of your car will kill you LONG before the chemicals from smoking. Everyone should stop judging smokers, besides, smokers know the risks, they chose to continue to smoke because hey, we're all going to die eventually. Might as well enjoy your life on earth as much as you can.
Once again retarded people that don't know the first thing about smoking start talking like they're somehow better or healthier than people who smoke. Wake the **** up people, one cigarette won't kill you, 20 cigarettes won't kill, not even 1000 cigrattes won't kill you. You have to smoke for a very long time to actually have a chance to die from it, and even then it's just a CHANCE, not a very high one at that. "Surprisingly, fewer than 10 percent of lifelong smokers will get lung cancer. Fewer yet will contract the long list of other cancers, such as throat or mouth cancers. In the game of risk, you're more likely to have a condom break than to get cancer from smoking. " So yeah, what I'm trying to say is that even though smoking CAN indeed kill you, so can having sex, driving a car or many other things that you do. It seems to me like every american I see thinks that cigarettes are an automatic death sentence as soon as you smoke one. And here are some facts from a guy that smokes a few cigarettes/day : 1. you don't get addicted from 1, you don't get addicted for a very long time actually, in the first few months there's no chance of you getting an actual physical addiction. 2. you have to smoke for a lot of time for it to actually have an effect, my mother has been smoking for 20 years and her lungs are still perfectly healthy for example. 3. You don't smell bad because you smoke, you smell bed because you're a lazy **** that doesn't take showers and doesn't wash his teeth long enough, or maybe you just smoke some REALLY nasty and strong cigarettes. Either way even tho I smoke you could never smell it on me except if you sniff me like a hound dog 5 minutes after I finished it. I'm not saying you should smoke, because it doesn't really help you or make your life better, it's just a fun relaxing thing to do from time to time, chain-smoking 2 packs a day is retarded tho, and that's too much, so the key word is MODERATION, like with pretty much every other substance out there.
Here are some quotes straight from the CDC: "In the United States, about 90% of lung cancer deaths in men and almost 80% of lung cancer deaths in women are due to smoking. People who smoke are 10 to 20 times more likely to get lung cancer or die from lung cancer than people who do not smoke." "Tobacco use causes more than 5 million deaths per year." "On average, smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than nonsmokers." Also, even though it is unlikely, you CAN get hooked after one cigarette. And smokers don't have as strong of a sense of smell as a non-smoker. Therefore, just because you don't think you smell doesn't mean you don't. Smoke clings to your hair, teeth, clothes, skin... everything. And have you ever been in the car of someone who smokes? The smell never really goes away. This girl in my anatomy class this summer always smoked on our break, and she stunk up the whole class when she walked in. It was so nasty. One last thing, yes, driving can be very bad for you too. The only difference is that it's hard to get by in life without transporation. Smoking isn't a necessity, it's a choice that turns into a deadly habit.
Wtf... people arguing that smoking won't hurt you? Did the tobacco companies pay you off...?
112- srsly WTF? I have no idea what "air pollution" has to do with smoking, but if you care so much, good for you. Not everyone likes ciggarettes, not everyone has to like them either. I know your opinion and I respect it. I just think that ciggarettes are indeed addictive even after one single use. ciggarettes CAN hurt you too, and yes, there are many causes of death around the world, besides smoking. Death is just a part of life, happens to anyone, anytime, anywhere. I just wanted to throw that out there, if you don't like my opinion, then thank you, come again. I respect what others say/think/hear/learn about smoking, but I believe it's bad.
u smoked once, and the next day, you'll try it again, and again, and again.
YDI for not getting rid of it
i was going to make a kady perry or amy winehouse joke. but i'm assuming someone already did. so, instead i'll provide you with this picture of a kitten riding a bicycle: (or i would if FML allowed links.)
uhh smokers dont necesarilly need rehab and if he wants to den let him
ydi for trying
I've taken one puff of one cigerette and I will never do so again
^^^ you look high.... have you been on the pill???? lol jk
ydi for being born
watch out for the guy saying, "rehab? you came to rehab for cigarettes? I used to suck dick for coke. have you ever sucked dick for cigarettes?!"
Rehab just for cigarettes?