By LinaLinaYeah - 09/12/2011 16:26 - Canada

Today, my mom gave me my boyfriend's boxers that she'd washed after finding them in my camping bag. The boxers had "Big Banana" written all over them, along with pictures of bananas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 872
You deserved it 28 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey at least she seemed to be cool about it

flockz 19

now orange you glad your mom didn't raisin hell for that pear of banana boxers? please, honeydew a normal date next time and save your passionfruit for the bedroom. you cantaloupe have your boyfriend's acorny boxers if your mom does the laundry. fig(ure) a better place to olive, and then your boyfriend can squash you with his cucumber and everything will be peachy.


flockz 19

OKra, i'm not going to lime, if my girlfriend's dad found my cumqauts on a pair of boxers she had, it would be the last strawberry for him. he would crush my plums until they were black and blueberry. i carrot imagine anything worse than crushed coconuts.

KiddNYC1O 20
leadman1989 15

I demand "save your passion fruit for the bedroom" shirts... or boxers.

cash_monkey72 9

It would be ironic if the boxers were a size small

hateevryone 14

You should have joked to your mum and said you're the one with the big banana lmao