By LinaLinaYeah - 09/12/2011 16:26 - Canada

Today, my mom gave me my boyfriend's boxers that she'd washed after finding them in my camping bag. The boxers had "Big Banana" written all over them, along with pictures of bananas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 872
You deserved it 28 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey at least she seemed to be cool about it

flockz 19

now orange you glad your mom didn't raisin hell for that pear of banana boxers? please, honeydew a normal date next time and save your passionfruit for the bedroom. you cantaloupe have your boyfriend's acorny boxers if your mom does the laundry. fig(ure) a better place to olive, and then your boyfriend can squash you with his cucumber and everything will be peachy.


White_Knightspc 0

If you went camping with your boyfriend, I'm sure your mom knows you were peeling some bananas in your tent.

JinxosGirl87 0

At least it wasn't a man thong.

Daydreemdie 0

I believe the term you were looking for was "True DAT', Implying that the 'th' sound was more of a 'D' in an attempt to sound cool.

And I'm assuming the "d" in your name is an attempt to sound cool as well, unless we are to assume you like shit?

KiddNYC1O 20

Ok, don't pick on zombie kid.

deadbabies 0

Did you ring ring ring ring ring ring ring his banana phone?

Thanks. Now that song is stuck in my head! Ha ha though! Not sure if those who thumbed this down know that song.

You should be thankful for having an understanding mother. Most Mothers would make "Banana Split" out of it.

Oh shit.. I'm fortunate all of the mothers i know aren't pervs

She probably just thinks they belong to you. Many girls wear boxers, especially to sleep in. And who doesn't loves bananas!?(:

Wanda Sykes, Rosie O'Donnell, probably not big banana fans, to name a few. (Sorry; had to go there...)

That's fine by me. I'll eat their share.

You peeled your banana too soon. Now she's going to split!

I have my sweetie's "Dr. Love" boxers with little hearts, bones, and prescription bottles...but I'm old enough that my mom no longer does my laundry.

Torva_fml 16

You're a single mom, living at home.... That has a sweetie? Ooooooohhhh sooooo confusing... Get your facts straight and go edit your profile!

Q: You know why sex when camping is so great? A: Because it's ******* in tents!

Daydreemdie 0

Lol don't hate on this comment cause it is funny :)

ikickgingers 15

Friends go camping... Friends help friends pitch tents...

My boxers have spicy wiener written down the sides and have Sausage links wrapping around.

sassypants93 17

Just tell her you liked eating that big banana. Mothers love that.