By jll14 - 31/03/2013 22:27 - Malaysia - Kota Kinabalu

Today, my mom has forbidden me from drinking skim milk, because my sister is upset that I'm skinnier than her. The same sister who refuses to drink any other milk than 2% chocolate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 626
You deserved it 2 849

Same thing different taste


Skim milk is disgusting anyway, you're not missing out on much. 1% is a compromise. 2% is the paragon of milk greatness.

79 So go run 5 miles and show me how wrong this misconception of ours really is. I work at a sports nutrition and supplement store bud helping people get into shape and some of the most unhealthy are the high metabolic rate kids who think that healthy diets don't concern them. 105 Nothing wrong with the natural sugars in fruit as long as you eat them in moderation, you do in fact need some if these natural sugars for your body. Just like carbs they are used for your natural energy and glycogen replenishment. It's all about balance and moderation in your diet as well as eating as much unprocessed and natural food as possible.

Tell her it's her choice! Leave how to lose weight things around !

caysters 12

My mom would be like "stop complaining. Get up and exercise fatass." She would never make my siblings drink 2% chocolate just because I thought they were too skinny.

It's not like drinking 1% or 2% white milk is gonna make you fat.

Jacksparrow72 21

That's just dumb. I can't belive the lengths parents go to make one child happy and the other miserable.

You don't get your milk, she don't get hers.

To each according to their insecurities, from each according to their ability to resist the fat! Redistribute the calories! Equalize the ugliness! Power to the people! Who are you to be thinner and prettier that your sister? Occupy the salad bar! :)

manasstalker 7

Drink water. She can't stop you from drinking that and tell your sister to get off her ass, exercise and eat a better diet if she wants to loose weight. I understand some people have a harder time with weight (myself included) but she shouldn't expect you to gain weight just to make herself feel better.