By jll14 - 31/03/2013 22:27 - Malaysia - Kota Kinabalu

Today, my mom has forbidden me from drinking skim milk, because my sister is upset that I'm skinnier than her. The same sister who refuses to drink any other milk than 2% chocolate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 626
You deserved it 2 849

Same thing different taste


watchitgo 4

That's some ****** up family life

Matticus5000 5

tell your sister to exercise. sitting around drinking nothing but 2% chocolate milk and complaining isn't going to make her skinny.

WrongRomance 11

Lol, 79.. You came here to brag? Too bad with age metabolism slows and you won't know what hit you, or how to lose the weight because of your current diet and exercise habits.

forlifebro 15

Lmao i just got a mental image of I sneaking skim milk in the middle of the night

generalasskicker 12

Well Exercise more keep your figure and start referring to your sister as el Vaca it'll be great

79, that is a foolish, borderline retarded way of looking at things. Like you, I was blessed with a fantastic metabolism. In the past 3 years, I've only gained 4 pounds, despite eating like ravenous cow. This doesn't mean I'm fit. I'm what you call "skinny fat". I look great on the outside, but that doesn't mean my arteries are in great shape, or my heart isn't working overtime. It isn't a "misconception" that some foods are healthier than others. it can scientifically be proven. You need to think before speaking on something you clearly know nothing about.

YourVoiceofReasn 6

Please...please....don't say it like that. It just makes you sound worse for criticizing them with poor grammar.

wolfmankayl 4

If anything the more fat in the milk the healthier it is, though pasteurization does destroy a lot of the quality. Skim milk is disgusting unhealthy garbage, but the sugar in the chocolate milk is a bit more caloric. All that is beside the point though, women want to be considered "equal" not by holding themselves to a higher standard but by trying to bring men down to a lower standard, it looks like your mum is using the same reasoning as feminism uses. You have to get fatter so your fatter sister will feel less envy of you. Its a race to the bottom people, first one there is a rotten egg.

soldiat_fml 17

If she won't let you drink skim milk, you should just drink water. I mean, what could she say to that? Don't drink water?

The_9th_Doctor 18