By jll14 - 31/03/2013 22:27 - Malaysia - Kota Kinabalu

Today, my mom has forbidden me from drinking skim milk, because my sister is upset that I'm skinnier than her. The same sister who refuses to drink any other milk than 2% chocolate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 626
You deserved it 2 849

Same thing different taste


I really doubt the milk is making that much of a difference unless it's all either of you drink.... So definitely fyl, I guess stick to water.

Uhm saturated fat in milk or anything else won't make you fat. The sugar and other shit in chocolate milk of any percent will for sure... So you'll be ok :) lol maybe even make your momma more angry because you'll still be skinnier.

"Healthy" foods, "unhealthy" foods, it's all a pretty big misconception. I don't exercise at all while still eating whatever it is that I want. I'm well within the standards for my BMI. Everybody's built differently. I was born with the benefit of a phenomenal metabolism. Others, not so much. Some people actually have to work for what I've been naturally been gifted.

Milk isn't enough to make enough of a difference between weights. There's exercise, diet, stress levels, so many things. But most of all, one of the biggest factors, pure genetics. You could very well have different body types or shapes.

generalasskicker 12

Well not necessarily any one of those factors could be the biggest factors you have no idea what either sister does while not drinking milk. Maybe her sister is a fat pig and she doesn't want to be.

thats just stupid she cant do that .and if your sister is so upset about you being skinnier then her ,tell her to stop eating crap and work out.

hippo1234 19

@79- you sound like a real asshole...

bamagrl410 31

79 - What world do you live in? Yes, everyone is built differently; and yes, it is possible to be within BMI while eating what you want. However, you can't possibly tell me that it's a "misconception" that an apple would be better for me to eat than a slice of cake. Certain foods have more vitamins and nutrients and less fats, and that's no "misconception". I'm with 57. I'm not a huge fan of sugary or unhealthy foods either, but that's just because I don't eat a whole lot of them & it's not to my tastes.

bamagrl410 31

Exactly. Another parent giving in to their bratty child's every wish as opposed to just encouraging her to eat/drink healthier or find an activity she enjoys.

anni1999 7

Having a great metabolism and a thin body doesn't mean you're healthy though. Exercise is good for everyone. You might think you look/feel fine now, but who knows what you're doing to your body in the long-term.