By EgoMoose - 28/12/2009 05:02 - United States

Today, my mom held an intervention for me. Yesterday, I told her I'd tried pot once. Seven years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 438
You deserved it 5 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like your mom is a little uptight. Maybe you could get her a prescription for some medical marijuana.

LMAO, well now we wont blame you if you develop a drinking problem =P


mef_fml 0

wow...your mom is ridiculous. fyl indeed.

b1a2n3a4n5a6s 0

Oh god, it makes me itchy as hell too, the doc just said that was normal. And they gave me percoset before and I barfed, lol thanks anyway though.

kirakira333 0

depending on how old your mom is chances are she used to smoke pot herself so I don't see what she's complaining about... pot is good for you in small doses ;D and you only TRIED it. it's not like you smoked it every day for a year or something crazy you know? ;)

LOL.... that reminds me to my Youaredaughterofanalcoholicman,youcanalsobeanalcholicifyoudonottakecare conversations with my mother....

Hey, my company's policy is that we fire people who use it. I had to fire a guy the other day. He says, "Well, whatever man, weed has never hurt me." I replied, "Yes it has, you just lost the means of supporting your family over a joint." Seriously though, people who go on and on about drugs to sounds "cool" piss me off. It just gets old fast.

Never tell your mom anything bad that you have done.


Pot heads aren't **** ups. Pot has no physical addiction and it is actually better than alchohal in many ways. Not encouraging anybody to start smoking but really it's not that bad. And please no stoner bashing

these are the longest Friggin fml answers I've ever seen lmao

Did you know that 100% of people that don't smoke pot die?