By EgoMoose - 28/12/2009 05:02 - United States

Today, my mom held an intervention for me. Yesterday, I told her I'd tried pot once. Seven years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 440
You deserved it 5 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like your mom is a little uptight. Maybe you could get her a prescription for some medical marijuana.

LMAO, well now we wont blame you if you develop a drinking problem =P


I would absolutely love to hear your mom's beliefs about marijuana. I suspect they're SNL-worthy.

shrdlu 28

To the person who posted the FML: If your mother has EVER had a drink in her life, you could become very concerned about her becoming an alcoholic. "You didn't get drunk today, did you?" "Are they going to be serving alcohol where you're going?" Ask similar questions at least once or twice a day. SWEAR that you're only doing it because you love her and you'd be so hurt if she ever became a drunk.

b1a2n3a4n5a6s 0

I've actually got a prescription for Vicodin, and while the high is nice (along with the pain relief) it makes me nauseous as hell, and gives me a massive headache. Stoner friends tell me I ought to try toking up before or after I take it, and that it should help with the nausea/headache, but I'm not sure if it's wise to mix the two.

YDI for telling your mom; I don't smoke pot but I am a huge advocate for legalization because the more dumb asses that smoke it and screw their lives up now = the less competition I have in the business world in a few years.

shooter308 0

Are you ******* retarded? You are aren't you? What about the stoners student loans? You said he's working for his habit, right? So he won't be able to pay them off and therefor have the same debt? and just because he works multiple jobs doesn't mean he has more work experience. It shows he is not stable, and probably won't stay at the company long. I know this is all hypothetical, but come the **** on man. I'm not taking a side on the issue, I just want to point out how stupid your scenario is.

b1a2n3a4n5a6s 0

Wow, that's kinda shitty. FYL, OP. My mother's the exact opposite, thank god.

its FANTASTIC to mix the two. i dont like vicoden otherwise, it just makes me feel sober but calmed down..and itchy. the nausea is because of the acetominphen. if youd like to try hydrocodone without the stomacheache, if its a prescription tell your doctor that its making you feel sick and they might give you vicoden with less acetominphen in it or if youre lucky possibly some norcos or percocets haha

xdrumkid101x 0

To all the people commenting saying "Pot wrecks your life!": If you smoke it once, it won't kill you or make you Abadan person or whatever. Everyone expirements. However, if continue smoking it nd become addicted, it can **** up your life eventually. So shush and stop being little goodie-two-shoes. :)

newsgit 0

Pot doesn't wreck lives, the law does. Honestly, if you bake some special brownies, eat 'em, and burn off the calories, you are not harming your body at all. Pot is NOT harmful to you. Smoking pot may be, but so is smoking tobacco, and that's still legal. FYL, but I thought this was funny.

hahaha thats gayy as alll hell.. gladd my parents didnt do that when they found out i was doin it like weekly or moree.. who was there and whatd they say? i suggest gettin momma to toke some bowls :]

to all you people suggesting mom smoke some bowls you guys are being ridiculous, come on..TELL MOM TO SMOKE BLUNTS! haha