By Anonymous - 02/01/2010 22:27 - United States

Today, my mom informed me that my entire family puts their dirty towels on the towel rack in the bathroom instead of the hamper. I've been using their dirty towels after showers for as long as I remember. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 137
You deserved it 6 516

Same thing different taste

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I don't follow your logic, kiddo. Doesn't everybody in your household have their own towel? Or... do you expect that everybody uses a towel only once, then places it in the hamper soaking wet, and then puts a new towel on the rack? Me, I use towels for a few days before they go in the laundry, unless they're really dirty. (It would be really expensive and take up a ton of space to have a set of towels for every day of the week.) Between uses, they sit on the rack to dry. When I was a kid, each had our own bath towel, and would do the same thing. If you leave wet towels in the hamper for a few days, they're going to get moldy and gross - that's why you let them dry out, first. You're not going to die from using the same towel as a blood relative.

Shouldn't you be clean after you shower??? Its like using a dish towel to dry your dishes after you clean them.


wow sucks for you.. sorry tht happened though :(

Of course people hang up wet towels, you don't want the hamper getting mildewy, complete YDI.

the hamper will not get mildewy. It would only get mildewy if you left a wet towel in there for several days. Putting a semi-damp towel won't make it mildewy unless you left it there for, like, a week or two. (And I live in a very humid place). Most people would do a load of washing every two or three days, or if you live in a family of several people, every day or so.

I'm confused, does your whole family just get a new towel every time they shower? Because if they did there would be no need for a towel rack. I don't bother changing towels until a week is up, but if I shower more than once in a day I find another towel. Drying off with a damp towel fails.

umm... a towel will dry off after two or three hours, so even if you have two showers in a day, your towel should be dry by the time you have your second shower, so there's no reason to get another towel. (Unless for some reason you completely soak your towel when you dry off).

bleeeek 0

that makes no sense. every1s gotta shower!!

They probably aren't that dirty if you didn't notice.. heck I use my towels for usually 3-4 showers before I toss them in the washer. As long as they don't start smelling bad I don't mind. Of course using towels other people used is probably not as nice, but still, if the towels don't smell bad, who cares? As others said, it's to dry off water, not like you used the same toilet paper than them or something. Oh but if you've been using their used towels for years... you fail for not noticing before, because you either ALWAYS shower first, or you always shower uber late that you don't notice their towels being wet already from being used by others..

wow that sucks pretty bad I would be pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!

jskills 0

wow you're a germ-a-phobe. so the towel could have possibly touched another's privates... exactly how does this make your life suck?? Get over it. It's not like you used a towel soaked in feces or covered in crabs.

birds_fml 7

Actually, it could very well be covered in crabs if it has come into contact with another person's genitals, if they have crabs. It could also be covered in the herpes virus if they have herpes, or any other STD really. I'm pretty sure the only thing worse than having an STD would be catching that STD from the dirty towel of a family member.

*facepalm* You cannot contract herpes from using an infected person's towel. The virus is fragile and cannot survive long outside the human body. You cannot contract it from sharing towels, using the same toilet seat, bath water, or even underwear. You must have a direct contact of bodily fluids to give the virus a chance to transfer over to the uninfected party..and I mean DIRECT contact, as in sexual intercourse or pressing a herpes sore to a person's mouth or an open wound. Actually, come to think of it, pubic lice are really the only thing you could catch from sharing a bath towel with a person with an STD. You cannot transfer most sexually transmitted infections through such casual contact. That's why they're called sexually transmitted diseases and not just "diseases you got while having sex".

and dead skin...and maybe some unknown hair...and maybe soap scum...