By ughh - 22/11/2011 13:22 - United States

Today, my mom read my diary. Then she frantically booked me an appointment with a psychiatrist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 111
You deserved it 5 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beachbabe830 0

Do we even want to know what was in there...?

You've tought us about keys, now will you tell us how magnets work?


weepingangel_fml 7

Perhaps next time don't write crazy stuff down like "I want to rip my moms head off and feed her to the hyenas."

hyenas are boss animals I want one so we can watch Will feral movies and laugh (try that with a hamster)

^^^^, I don't understand why people resort to cutting themselves?? Can't you find another means of releasing anger? I mean I have nothing against it but I've always just wondered

weepingangel_fml 7

I've always wondered how keys work?

My mom would probably do the same if she read my dream diary.

SpeciakAgtTippy 3

So YOU'RE the one who wrote that 500 page sex story about you and the Twilight guys. Welcome, but next time hide your files, kid.

Your mom had no business snooping around in your stuff and reading your private diary. But wtf did you write in there that caused her to call a psychiatrist?! Better just go to one and tell him what's going on, it'll do you good.

SpeciakAgtTippy 3

Had no business? The only privacy kids should be allowed is when they go to the bathroom. Otherwise, that was good parebting. I suppose if the mother wasn't proactive and didn't read the diary and OP hurt herself, you'd say the mom had no business not doing everything possible to raise her child.

It's very much a parent's business. We have no idea what was written, could be some serious stuff. It's clearly enough to prompt a psychiatric evaluation.

poorjudgement 26

I agree that a diary is a private stuff. However, most probably something in OP's behaviour made her checking up, and apparently checking up proved her right for being worried, hence the appointment.

Keevarou, I use to cut too. I stopped because eventually my parents freaked out so badly they threatened to take me to a mental institution. =/ I have a boyfriend that makes me really happy now though, so I don't miss it anymore. Glad you're not cutting either.

luvmerh8me 0

Those cheap locks won't keep anything out.