By Marteeny - 09/06/2016 03:14

Today, my mom said my boobs are finally getting bigger and that I've finally hit puberty. I'll be celebrating my 31st birthday next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 150
You deserved it 1 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must be a real life version of 13 going on 30

TMO2142 25


neuronerd 28

Did you recently start birth control? I was always an A/B before the pill.

Not everyone has double D's. Who cares.. I know I don't.

jcash52426 5

Yes mom in got implants cause you won't shut up about my boobs. You will get the bill in the mail soon mother


If my boobs randomly for bigger I'd be worried. Pregnancy to Cancer to hormone changes can affect breast size and I'd want to know what's up asap.

They do fluctuate naturally, it's not always a big deal

Not sure why this was down voted, it's true. Breast size can fluctuate depending on where you are in your cycle.

theriama 3

I know the feels I just hit puberty and I'm 20!lol but hey atleast you finally hit it!

I never have gone through puberty and I'm 28. You're not alone OP

my wife didn't have big **** until i knocked her up. now we have a kid but i have a ton of boob to myself