By Marteeny - 09/06/2016 03:14

Today, my mom said my boobs are finally getting bigger and that I've finally hit puberty. I'll be celebrating my 31st birthday next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 150
You deserved it 1 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must be a real life version of 13 going on 30

TMO2142 25


There's hope for those of us in the itty bitty titty committee after all

I heard of late bloomers but damn..... Seriously though, I don't think your mom gets how puberty works, because 70% It occurs near teenage years, maybe a little younger.

mommabearof2 4

You mean there's hope for me yet?!

"And yours are hanging lower since you hit menopause! Soon, you'll have to roll them up like carpets just so they can fit in your bra."