By ughhhh - 03/05/2014 21:10 - United States

Today, my mom spent over $200 getting me tested for every drug in the book. All because I admitted to smoking a single cigarette two years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 697
You deserved it 7 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can we please not start this debate again? I'm even asking nicely.

Untrusting and overreactive parents can seriously mess up their kids. Im sorry OP, shes wasting her money,


Its ok, she only just dipped into your college savings

martin8337 35

Nicotine is a hell of a drug.

Not sure how this is an FML. It's your mom's money, and if you haven't done anything, the results will be negative.

That usually indicates a parent who used to partake of cigarettes and/or recreational drugs. You should pop the question and watch the reaction :)

Aero_x 21

Well prove her wrong by obliging to the tests. Atleast one cigarette didn't turn into a bad habit like it did for me. I totally quit, but it was hard and it took me 4 years of repeatedly starting over :'(

My dad started smoking when he was only 9 and recently has been having so many breathing problems that he had to quit. My mother has asthma that's triggered by cigarette smoke. As a kid and even a teenager I had really bad ear infections that may have been due to adults puffing away all around me. I've never smoked myself. Nicotine addiction is horrible.

One cigarette 2 years ago doesn't mean op is addicted to nicotine, sorry about your family but don't be so self righteous.

pikawarriors 18

Dude you really need to grow some balls and say no. I voted YLS because I don't know how old you are but if you don't stand up for yourself ultimately you only have yourself to blame