By ladytyy - 27/07/2011 23:45 - United States

Today, my mom still hasn't gotten over the novelty of our brand new microwave. We've been eating hot pockets for nearly a week now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 201
You deserved it 3 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

txgirl2013 14


hot pockets arent the only microwave food..

picklemonger 13

Go on YouTube and search for "jim gaffigan hot pockets".

sexxme 9

hey at least she feeds you. my mom always says "god gave you hands, use them". consider yourself lucky my friend.

i dont see how ur life sucks i mean all i want to eat is hot pockets

News flash sweet pea. If you are old enough to post on this site you can probably hoist yourself off the couch and go figure out what groceries and that kitchen are all about. Talk about entitlement mentality! Make a meal yourself you lazy twit. I hope your mom never cooks for you again.

Contankerton 2

Sounds like it's time for an early Christmas present.... a BRAND NEW DIGITAL OVEN!

Flutist 3

Op, and you lack the ability to cook because? Unless Hot Pockets are the only thing in the house, start cooking. I hate when people assume its "mom's" job to cook everything. Maybe your mom is tired of cooking for your family and having no one help out? If you have a dad or second mom tell them you will cook if they provide the money for the food. You are obviously able to work a computer so I imagine making something simple like sandwiches or soup wouldn't be too hard.

What, no one else in the house, including you, can cook?