By MH. - 24/01/2014 12:36 - Norway - Sandnes

Today, my mom took a picture of me. All she could say about the picture was, "At least your sister is pretty." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 015
You deserved it 3 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anyone else see that she said 5ml instead FML?

Honestly, there are just some people who take horrible pictures. It doesn't mean you look horrible outside if those pictures. Chin up. :)


Anyone notice it and a few others say "5ML", rather than "FML"?

For those of you that don't understand the 5ML, FML is 5 years old today!:)

catella_fml 12

Anyone else notice it says 5ML instead of FML

Elfkid21 19

what a horrible thing for ANYONE to say, ESPECIALLY your own mother!! = -_-' =( I'm sorry you had to endure that!!! there was NO NEED whatsoever where you should have!!!

dmbfan31 7

Ouch, hopefully she's just blunt and not hateful. My grandma once told my mom that mom was the ugliest baby she had ever seen, that's just how she was.