By FlipYoC - 16/09/2009 06:15 - United States

Today, my mom was criticizing how I can't handle taking care of any living thing because I'm too irresponsible. We had a huge argument so I went back to my apartment, only to find that my fish had died. I forgot I had a fish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 739
You deserved it 60 950

Same thing different taste


Poor fish =O Maybe you should listen to your mom?

You really are irresponsible. You need to grow up.

So....she's right and you are inconsiderate. Try a house plant next time. If you get a big enough one, you won't forget.

Perhaps your mother saw it coming that your fish would die and planned to argue about it at this moment? If that's the case, I gotta say, she is really evil.

DeadMansCrack 4

Yeah, you probably would've gotten more sympathy if it weren't for that last sentence. YDI, heartless fish killer bitch.


jewelzgalore 0

stupid bitch! you let the poor fish starve to death. that's beyond ****** up. please never reproduce

i hope you ******* starve to death! the fish was a living thing and you can't care enough to spend 15 seconds a day to put some food in the tank.

colorado_girl 0

Haha funny. My freshman year of college I killed a cactus. My brother was like, "how does it feel to be less nuturing than the desert?" Those quiet living organisms will get you.


No offense, but I call BS. Nice Demetri Martin reference though.

colorado_girl 0

Actually this is a true story. And as to the Demetri Martin reference, my brother loves him so it makes sense for him to reference a line of his.


Ah, my apologies. But that would have been my second guess.

colorado_girl 0

No worries, totally understandable. I guess a lot of people make stuff up to post on here just so they can feel cool. It just so happens that some of us are really as retarded as we say lol