By FlipYoC - 16/09/2009 06:15 - United States

Today, my mom was criticizing how I can't handle taking care of any living thing because I'm too irresponsible. We had a huge argument so I went back to my apartment, only to find that my fish had died. I forgot I had a fish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 739
You deserved it 60 950

Same thing different taste


Antivirus_fml 0

I think you should first try taking care of a *****, if that works out, then buy an animal otherwise use the ***** on yourself.

You ought to get that tortoise from a few days ago. Even you couldn't **** that one up. With your luck, the thing would miraculously come back to life only to die a slow, agonizing death due to your neglect.

AndelleRae 9

Bahaha! Plexico, I love you in a completely platonic non-creepy internet person sort of way.

Thank you, AndelleRae, but even if you said you loved me in the most erotically sexual way and I felt the same, the result in the real world would probably be the same. ;) I'm happy I could make you laugh, though.

AndelleRae 9

You never know. I could always get the wrong idea and decide to stalk you. Probably not though. I'm pretty lazy, and stalking takes way too much effort. :-p

fallen_dragonkin 12

i don't understand that. how can you let a living creature die of hunger and then complain that your life sucks?

Oh hush, dork! At least she understand what she did wrong. She could have just denied it, and flushed it down the toilet. At least she feels guilty for it, and perhaps she wants to correct it. But people like you and her mom just try to bring her down. I got an idea, if you care so much about poor Bubbles, why don't you go to the pet store and buy all the fishes and pets so that in case someone kills it by accident. Do your part if you want to sound all big and tough.

Correct it? I'm fairly sure fish resurrection isn't a widespread ability, so that may be a bit of a non-starter...

She lacks the object permanence most people obtain when they're infants. Yes, it's her fault, but changing oneself in this way is no overnight task. It can be as FML-worthy as "I have Alzheimer's" (and is awfully similar, if you think about it).

Nono, #18. You see, I don't support the selling of animals in pet shops (mainly because twats like the OP can walk in and randomly buy one, but also because of the conditions they're raised in before sale - you know puppy farms are bad and you shouldn't ever buy a puppy from a pet shop? yeah, they have rodent farms too, and they're just as bad), so why would I go and 'rescue' all the ones currently in the pet shop? Sure, the current ones would have a better life, but they'd just be replaced by new ones. 'Rescuing' animals from pet shops only gives profit to the pet shop, and makes space for just as many new ones to suffer in their place.

You killed MR BUBBLES?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??! You will burn for this! No just kidding. Everyone has pets that died. I mean sometimes we make mistakes, and things die as a result. Does that mean you're a horrible, irresponsible person? Not really. At least you know what you did, and in the future, you can correct it. How can you be a responsible person if you aren't allowed to learn from your errors?

a lot of people have had pets that have died, yes. but most people actually remember that they have pets and feed them. OP didn't even remember she had a pet until it was dead. that's not a scenario that most pet owners have.

Not to mention, death isn't exactly a "light" mistake to learn from. Imagine if that fish was actually a baby. So many people neglect their children, which results to death. But you know, it isn't their fault. Not at all. Because they've learned from their mistake, & they're NEVER going to do it again. That's what makes responsible people, yessiry.

In all seriousness, what can a person like this do, to change this about herself? I know a LOT of girls like this (and one or two guys). Taking away their driver's licence is a logical first step, but what else can be done?

youthink_fml 0

Some people are just mindless idiots.

They're usually the most fun at parties.

rogue_zephyr 0

You tried looking after an empty plant pot? That way if you forget about it, it won't die in agony (or at all really)