By FlipYoC - 16/09/2009 06:15 - United States

Today, my mom was criticizing how I can't handle taking care of any living thing because I'm too irresponsible. We had a huge argument so I went back to my apartment, only to find that my fish had died. I forgot I had a fish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 739
You deserved it 60 950

Same thing different taste


Oliver_Twisted 0

If you had a fish that just randomly died, that's totally understandable. It happens all the time. To actually forget that you had a fish to begin with raises this to a whole other level. Please don't have children. They require much more mental awareness than a fish. I recommend a pet rock. If you manage to kill off one of those, there are mental wards prepared to help.

LOL how did you know if it was dead if you forgot you had it?

I wouldn't count on you getting a baby any time soon, you would probably forget that too.

shuttuplily 0

10 years later... Today, I was arrested for child neglect and my son who apparently hasn't eaten in 4 days was taken into protective custody. I forgot I had a son. FML

hateevryone 14

your fish died huh? so you just proved her point.

Chixken 6