By FlipYoC - 16/09/2009 06:15 - United States

Today, my mom was criticizing how I can't handle taking care of any living thing because I'm too irresponsible. We had a huge argument so I went back to my apartment, only to find that my fish had died. I forgot I had a fish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 739
You deserved it 60 950

Same thing different taste


YDI for being a ****** moron... and you're mom's right.

You are mom is right?? Who's the moron? :-P

Wow.. Fishes are one of the easiest pet to keep because they can survive quite long without food or with murky tank (assuming the pump is working). And you manage to kill them??

YDI. I don't know why people post obvious personal **** ups then what's supposed to be random world **** ups you get caught in.

srak 0

that's like saying "I forgot I had a son." it just never happens. this is fake

skyeyez9 24

i have a 10 gallon fish tank. Nothing fancy: dwarf platys, tetras, snail, ghost shrimp and algae eater...etc. I would feel awful for neglecting them and as a result, they all died. You should never acquire another living creature and need to grow up!

treizenic26 0

F the fish's life. Op ur an idiot