By zazzleface - 09/04/2012 12:23 - United States - Bergenfield

Today, my mom was in the kitchen when her shirt caught on fire. Acting quickly, I poured my glass of water on her. Instead of thanking me, she yelled at me for making a mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 284
You deserved it 2 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ungrateful bitch, she should be happy you saved her from severe injury.

DaKillaMafia 2

Should have just let her burn.


Vegnas 13

You don't need no water, let the mother burn.

when your mom yells at you for saving her life its her way of saying "thank you" c:

It's a psychology thing, people who have just experienced a near death or scary experience will also be very irritable and bitchy shortly afterwards.

archenemybtch 0

Should have told her, "If you can't stand the heat (without catching on fire), get the hell out of the kitchen!!!" ;)

Mom: *sings* shouldve stood there and watched me burn cause now youve made a mess

Next time pretend not to notice and drink the water in front of her

Then light her back on fire and let her solve the problem herself.

Stop. Drop. Cover your face, and roll.

MaoKittyMaoMao 6

I guess she prefers to burn in Hell's Kitchen? -shrugs-