By zazzleface - 09/04/2012 12:23 - United States - Bergenfield

Today, my mom was in the kitchen when her shirt caught on fire. Acting quickly, I poured my glass of water on her. Instead of thanking me, she yelled at me for making a mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 284
You deserved it 2 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ungrateful bitch, she should be happy you saved her from severe injury.

DaKillaMafia 2

Should have just let her burn.


ahhbeex 8

I moderated this. I was completely blown away by this one. ._. she would have rather been on fire, okay. Makes sense.

linkinpark98 23

Wtf is with all the "should have let her burn" comments? Would you people really let your own mother burn to death? -_- Some of you people on here are messed up. XD

would've just lit her back on fire and walked away

Watch out, we got a badass over here! No you wouldn't have, you lying sack of shit. Suggesting you'd relight the fire is much worse than the idiots saying "let her burn".

thats something which my mum would say...i feel it for u bro :(

Dang People!!!!! I don't think I've ever seen "bitch" & "burn" together so many times since the Salem Witch trials! SMH

emstar828 4

NoorFML- why did you have to bring up the best show of my childhood? Now, I'm sad. =( "mama had a chicken, mama had a cow; dad was proud, he didn't care how!"

Should've done what 50 cent told you 'the mothers on fire let the rooffucker burn' or is it the other way around? I forget.