By zazzleface - 09/04/2012 12:23 - United States - Bergenfield

Today, my mom was in the kitchen when her shirt caught on fire. Acting quickly, I poured my glass of water on her. Instead of thanking me, she yelled at me for making a mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 284
You deserved it 2 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ungrateful bitch, she should be happy you saved her from severe injury.

DaKillaMafia 2

Should have just let her burn.


I ******* hate moms, I pressure washed our back porch yesterday and instead of even thanking me she decided to yell at me for moving her stuff outside while I did it.

Should have thrown more water in her face for being ungrateful....

Mikalamalasa 0

Okay, do any of you really believe this bs? This is obviously somebody making up this terrible story to get their 15 minutes of glory on fml. Seriously.not.buying.this.

67fb 0

We don't need no water, let the ************ burn

Parents just don't want to be grateful to their kids SMH

You must have a really clean house if your mom got all OCD about spilling water!

macayla12344 1

When I first read this is thought it said shit not shirt lmao. XD

40- your right. The effect is easier to see on plastic, though. Someone I know grabbed burning plastic. I will NEVER shake hands with him the same way again.

theonlysweetpea 10

My opinion is that I would actually let her burn. I don't think it's funny but that doesn't mean I wouldn't do it. I've done it before. Once I help you